Call for Abstracts

Deadline: February 28, 2025, by 5:00 p.m. Arizona Time

GENERAL INFORMATION: The Arizona Chapter of the American Public Works Association invites the submittal of abstracts for presentations to be considered at the 2025 Statewide Conference. The conference will be held at the El Conquistador Tucson from July 30 – August 1, 2025.

We are developing a dynamic program with topics that provide value to conference attendees and information that attendees can put to use in their organizations. As we celebrate public works, we are especially interested in hearing from Public Agency members as individual or panel discussion presenters on topics that enhance leadership and infrastructure to provide value to communities we serve. The length of most presentation sessions is 30 minutes and it includes introductions and a brief question and answer period. Presentations involving panel discussions are encouraged. We also strongly support demonstrations and/or hands-on interactive sessions that could be held inside or outside depending on your space requirements. Panels and other special sessions can be up to 60 minutes in length and demonstrations could be longer if required. All topics of interest to our membership, whether they are management, funding and financing, motivational, operational, career development, or technically oriented, will be considered. Please feel free to propose on any topic you feel would be of interest to attendees.

SCHEDULE: Abstracts must be received no later than February 21, 2025. You will be notified by April 18, 2025 as to whether your abstract has been selected.

FORMAT: The one-page abstract must include the following:

  • Presentation Title (150 characters or less)

  • Presenter (Name, Title, Firm/Agency, Phone Number, Email Address)

  • Co-Presenter(s) If Applicable (Name, Firm/Agency, Phone Number, Email Address)

  • Summary of Presentation – This text will be featured in the Conference Program (100 words or less)

  • Abstract of Presentation (300 words or less)

  • Choice of Presentation Length on Thursday, July 31st: 30 minutes or 60 minutes

  • Request Indoor or Outdoor Demonstration on Thursday, July 31st.


PRESENTATIONS ON THE WEBSITE: If you are selected to present at the conference, you are required to submit a PDF of your final presentation to be posted on the conference website after the conference.